The Malayalam film industry has witnessed many of the sons of actors joining films but failing to keep up to expectations, like Shanavas, Saikumar, Meghanathan, Jishnu, Fahad Fazil and Saji Soman. There are very few young actors who are in the top spot now, like Saikumar, Prithviraj and Indrajith.
Superstar Mohanlal's son Pranav had done a cameo in the film Sagar Alias Jackey, which proves that the star son will do Malayalam films soon, maybe in a few years' time.
The news now is that Mammootty's son, Dulquar Salman, is all set to make his acting debut. Tamil director Lingusamy, who is a close friend of Mammootty, will be casting Salman in his first Malayalam film. Mammootty has also told Lingusamy that if required, he will do a guest role in the film.
However, it isn't certain when Lingusamy will start his first Malayalam film, seeing as he is very busy with all his Tamil films. Maybe by the time the film kicks off, Dulquar Salman may have another name altogether. Audiences sure are keen to see though if he has talent that will match that of his father.
Thursday, April 29, 2010 10:27 IST